Upcoming Events

Enough! with the state murders.
Protest in Edinburgh - Saturday 11th of April at 1:30 pm in Bristo Square.

A new event is being organized and should take place sometime in May. If you want to GET INVOLVED drop us a line ...

Police Victims

The murder of Alexis is not an isolated event but the outcome of the policy of governments and police all around the world.
We aim to create a list of citizens killed/murdered by the police during the last years.

Send information on people murdered by police here. Please include NAME, DATE, PLACE, and a short DESCRIPTION of the incident. A PHOTO is also welcome.

News from Greece

Post here any news you have in relation to what is happening in Greece now.

9 Dec 2008


In this topic please feel free to write your thoughts, or publish links and articles that you believe that are worth reading.

Keep in mind that we have to think of some slogans in English, so feel free to post your ideas.


Aris said...

Have a look at a picture that was taken on Monday 8 Dec. on a riot for the murder of Alexis


mits said...

What exactly is going to be our course of action on Wednesday??

Maybe we should gather somewhere before the demonstration and have a discussion about it. Not only for the demonstration, but about the events in general. Anyone interested?

Aris said...

Funeral of Alexis today at 15:00 (Greek time).

protests in syntagma
and pictures from the semetary

watch live at

protests in syntagma
and pictures from the cemetery

watch live at

Skai's journalist comment are under each one judgment. Just to mention that at exact the same moment journalist from another channel was saying that there was no provocation from the protesters, and Skai's journalist was talking about rain of stones...

Aris said...

Guys the way Skai is covering the protest is completely different from what other channels do. Mega was speaking about complete police provocation and police violence. Police is going extremely close to the protesters in order to provoke them. They have circled a group of young people and people from the riot are yelling at them in order not to provoke them.

You can watch greek tv live through this program http://www.greeklive.tv/
it has a 3 days free trial.

Vicky said...

Nice idea mits.. It would be good if we meet before. If someone else is interested please write it in order to make the arrangements , because we don't have much time.

Vicky said...

Ο Μάνος Χατζιδάκις, έγραφε πριν από 25 χρόνια με αφορμή την εκτέλεση του Μιχάλη Καλτεζά:

...Μια μωβ σκιά Μαΐου ξάπλωσε στον τόπο. Όσα συνέβησαν στα Εξάρχεια και στη Νομική Σχολή. Και στην οδό Σκουφά και Σόλωνος, Μαυρομιχάλη και Ιπποκράτους, ενόχλησαν τους Έλληνες πολίτες και αγανάκτησαν τον Τύπο ολόκληρο. Γιατί δεν τους εξολοθρεύουν και δεν τους σπάνε το κεφάλι. Γιατί δεν ρίχνουν δακρυγόνα. Και η Σύγκλητος και οι φοιτητές όλων των παρατάξεων, όλοι αγανακτισμένοι με τα τριάντα - εκατό παιδιά που δεν το βάζουν κάτω, δεν εννοούνε να παραδεχτούν πως η όποια ελευθερία ανήκει μόνο στους αστυνομικούς και τους ηλικιωμένους. Που δεν μπορούν να αντιληφθούν γιατί καταδιώκονται αδιάκοπα, προπηλακίζονται ατελείωτα και συνεχώς υποχρεούνται να δέχονται εξευτελισμούς. Κι ο προπηλακισμός αρχίζει από τον δάσκαλο, τον επιστάτη του σχολείου, από τον οδηγό και τον εισπράκτορα του λεωφορείου, απ' τον καθηγητή και τον δημόσιο λειτουργό ως τον δημόσιο υπάλληλο, από τους αξιωματικούς κι εκπαιδευτές στο κέντρο κατατάξεως ως τον τυχαίο μοτοσικλετιστή της τροχαίας που θα του ζητήσει άδειες, ταυτότητες και πιστοποιητικά. Ως τον γιατρό του νοσοκομείου που θα τον πάνε σηκωτό, ύστερα από τη γροθιά του οργάνου της τάξεως. Και το γνωρίζουμε πολύ καλά.
Εξύβριση αρχής - έτσι ονομάζεται η απαίτηση εξηγήσεων. Χειροδικία κατά της αρχής - έτσι είθισται ν' αποκαλείται η ενστικτώδης κίνηση του αμυνόμενου νέου. Και η ιστορία δεν έχει τέλος. Η ανωνυμία και η εισαγγελική αρχή θα του προσφέρει ή μια τραυματική αγανάκτηση ισόβια ή τον επιζητούμενο από την πολιτεία ευνουχισμό του. Αυτή είναι μια καθημερινή πραγματικότητα και δυστυχώς γνησίως ελληνική τα πρόσφατα και τελευταία σαράντα χρόνια - όσα είχα δηλαδή την ευτυχία να ζήσω σαν επώνυμος πολίτης εις τούτον τον ένδοξον κατά τα άλλα τόπον μας. Μια μωβ σκιά Μαΐου σκέπασε την Αθήνα. Κι όμως δεν βρέθηκε ένας δημοσιογράφος, μια εφημερίδα ν' αγανακτήσει και να διαμαρτυρηθεί, να καταγγείλει την αλήθεια για αυτό το τρίγωνο του αίσχους. Σκουφά, Μαυρομιχάλη και Ιπποκράτους. Κι άρχισε μια σκόπιμη, ύποπτη κι έντεχνη σύγχυση τριών ασχέτων μεταξύ των περιπτώσεων. Οι νεαροί των Εξαρχείων να παρουσιάζονται ίδιοι με τους αλήτες των γηπέδων, τους επονομαζόμενους χούλιγκανς, και επιπλέον να καλλιεργείται η εντύπωση στην κοινή γνώμη, με στήλες ολόκληρες των θλιβερών εφημερίδων μας, ότι οι νέοι αυτοί, οι αναρχικοί, είναι οι βομβιστές και ίσως οι πιθανοί δράστες των δολοφονιών ή εμπρησμών. Και φυσικά, όταν με το καλό τελειώσει η δίωξη των εκατό, σαράντα ή είκοσι παιδιών και η όλη επιχείρηση στεφθεί μ' «επιτυχία», να πάρει τις διαστάσεις ενός πραγματικού θριάμβου... κατά του εγκλήματος. Την ίδια ώρα που δολοφονούνται εκδότες και οι δολοφόνοι δεν ανευρίσκονται. Δολοφονούνται πολίτες και οι δολοφόνοι δεν αποκαλύπτονται. Πεθαίνουν νέοι από ξυλοδαρμούς και οι δράστες κυκλοφορούν ανενόχλητοι και, τέλος, δεν ...ανακαλύπτονται. Την ίδια ώρα η πολιτεία αγανακτεί διότι υπάρχουν μερικά ζωντανά της κύτταρα που αντιδρούν άτεχνα, ανοργάνωτα, ίσως μ' αφέλεια, σ' όλην αυτή την οργανωμένη κρατική ασχήμια, αντί να βλογάμε τον Θεό που βρίσκονται ακόμη μερικοί που δεν συνήθισαν στην «παρουσία του τέρατος». (...) Κορίτσια κι αγόρια με γυαλιά, έτσι καθώς κοιτάτε με απορία κι αγανάκτηση για ό,τι συμβαίνει γύρω σας, είμαι μαζί σας. Και σας αγαπώ."

Etsi apla gia na min xehname pws i ektelesi tou Alexi itan ena katakritaio men, "memonomeno" de peristatiko. Distyhws i istoria epanalamvanetai

Vicky said...

I dilwsi tou xristodoulou xirou gia ti dolofonia tou Alexi Grigorakopoulou


mits said...

Λοιπόν αφήνω κατά μέρος τα αγγλικά, για να συννενοηθούμε ευκολότερα.

Γράψαμε press release τελικά? Αν όχι κάποιος πρέπει να το αναλάβει αφού είναι αρκετά σημαντικό να έχουμε κάλυψη από τα ΜΜΕ.

Ένα άλλο θέμα είναι οτι ακόμα αναφορά στο indymedia(αθηνας) δεν έχει ανέβει. Καλό θα ήταν να γίνει κι αυτό.. Προσωπικά δεν έχω ιδέα πως λειτουργεί το indymedia, μπορώ να το ψάξω, αν κανείς άλλος δεν ασχοληθεί.

Τέλος συγκέντρωση πριν τη διαμαρτυρία απ' ότι καταλαβαίνω δύσκολα θα γίνει, εκτός κι αν αλλάξει κάτι μέχρι το βράδυ. Οπότε ενημερώστε αν ψήνεστε για κάτι τέτοιο

alexisedinburgh2008 said...

Εγώ πιστεύω ότι θα πρέπει να συναντηθούμε πιο πριν.

Press release δεν έχει φτιαχτεί γιατί τελικά δεν υπήρξε καμία συνεννόηση μέσα από το blog.

Ανάρτηση στο Athens indymedia δεν έγινε γιατι το site εχει κλατάρει από την κίνηση, προσπαθώ και εγώ και το παιδί από τα τοπικά Indymedia που ήταν χτές στην πορεία, ελπίζω να μπορέσουμε να την ανεβάσουμε.

mits said...

Ναι, δυστυχώς δεν παίζει και πολλή συννενόηση μέσω blog τελικά.. Αν σκεφτείς οτί την Δευτέρα ήμασταν τουλάχιστον 40 άτομα και εδώ είναι γραμμένοι 19 και ποστάρουν μονο τρεις τέσσερις..

Θα πρότεινα αν δε βαριέσαι να κάνεις ένα καινούργιο post σχετικά με πιθανή συνάντηση πριν τη πορεία να φαίνεται πάνω πάνω μπας και ψηθεί τελικά ο κόσμος.

Aris said...

Telika anevasame kai ego kai to paidi apo ta topika indymedia anakoinosi sto athens indymedia gia tin ayriani poreia. Opote elpizoyme oti ayrio tha yparxei perissoteros kosmos.

xpusma said...

paidia poios mporei na enhmerwsei aurio to prwi to council kai thn astunomia gia th aurianh mas eirhnikh diamarturia?
parakalw apanthste edw!

alexisedinburgh2008 said...

xrysma sorry poy alaxa to poy na ginontai oi apantiseis, to kana apla gia na einai ligo pio organomena.

xpusma said...

k polu kala ekanes!

parolauta apoti katalava press release, council, kai police akoma ekkremoun...
kapoios pou tha mporouse na analavei kati apauta?!

Vicky said...

because protest without slogans is not a protest, here are those we said yesterday, plus one i thought of today:

1) The murder in Greece was only the beginning
police around the world won't stop killing

2) Greece is good for sea and sun
but police may kill your sun

3) State oppression stop police aggression

4)Athens,London, Genova
policemen reach out for your gun

5) Cups pigs murderers ( I like very much the version in english) :-)

6) No mercy for police
Alexi rest in peace

Vicky said...

mpatsoi gourounia min peite oute lexi
mia mera tha plirwsete to aima tou alexi

Anonymous said...

loipon na organwthoume ligaki. afou simfwnoume (ligo poli) me to route, na parw tin astinomia kai na dilwsw oti tha meinoume telika princes me castle ? twra mesa sta panepistimia de kserw an tous noiazei giati de kleinoume dromo, opote vlepoume ti tha ginei me george sq.
An den dw sxolio pou na allazei kati, tha parw stis 12.30. ok?

Anonymous said...

Guys, I just informed the police about our route, everything is ok.
See you all at 15.00!!!

p.s: The officer wished us good luck! ;)

Vicky said...

Well done Lorena!! Thank you!

Good luck from a policeman?? It feels like Mitsotakis wishes you the best...

Elena Di said...
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Elena Di said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elena Di said...


waro said...

Will anybody upload the photos from today's protest?


mits said...

Guys, we should inform athens indymedia about our demonstration. In the main page there is a list of solidarity demonstrations around the world. Edinburgh is not there. I can't do it (exams tomorrow). Will someone take care of it?

Aris said...

Ena oraio artho apo ton Stelio Koylogloy.

To www.tvxs.gr einai to internet TV poy exei dimioyrgisei o Stelios Koylogloy.

Aris said...

ksexasa na valo to link


xpusma said...

paidia den xreiazetai na mpoun kai oi 185 photos!
osoi travhksan as kanoun mia epilogh twn photo tous!

waro said...


A video from yesterday's demonstration

Anonymous said...

Paidia avrio i poreia tha einai i idia diadromi me xtes?

xpusma said...

an thes ela forrest na sunenonithoume...h pes thn apopsh sou edw. to sigouro pros to paron einai oti tha ksekinhsei bristo sq.

Anonymous said...

Tora argisa ligo gia to forest. Den exo kapoia idietairi apopsi epi tou thematos eksalou. Apla rotisa

abbax said...

Paidia, emeis pou den antexoume poly to poliko psyxos, proteinoume oi epomenes sygkentroseis kai poreies na ginontai mia pio anthropini ora prin na dysei o ilios giati tin tetarti gyrisame san nekrozontanoi spiti. Ksero pos o agonas thelei thysies alla thelei kai tin ygeia mas? Den nomizo na eimai o monos pou ksepagiase gi afto tin epomeni sygkentrosi pou tha kanonisete skefteite na tin kanete ligaki pio noris.

waro said...

file abbax isxyei auto me to kryo, apla se fash mporeis na valeis kai mpoufan, gantakia, kaskol...Eskimoos fash...hehe
Avrio sthn poreia na fwnazeis pio poly na zestatheis kiolas...

see you man

waro said...

Egw,dystyxws, yparxei periptwsh na mhn katevw avrio dioti grafw Deutera,Trith, electrical kai mechanical Engineering antistoixa kai prepei na kanw epanalhpseis kai ta diafora...Wstoso tha prospathisw na katsw twra to vrady na ta kanw wste na thn palepsw avrio... To kako einai oti tis teleutaies meres den polykoimamai kai hsyxos gt exw to radio kai me to pou akousw kati petagomai. Telospantwn se periptwsh pou erthw xreiazetai na ferw kati? Mono na kanw print den mpoorw k na vgalw copies gt prepei na paw library...O,ti allo peite...

Anonymous said...

Eipame keria kai fotografies tou alexi, i oti allo thes gia na ta valoume katw ekei pou tha kataliksoume.
See you there (hopefully)!

alexisedinburgh2008 said...

Pithani diagrafi toy Alexi Koygia apo to dikastiko soma.

alexisedinburgh2008 said...



Anonymous said...

Syntrofoi, kali tihi simera, kai auti ti fora prospatheiste na kateveite mazika sto Londino gia tin poreia tis Kyriakis 14 Dec. sto Dalston Kingland station stis 14:30. Opos exoume grapsei kai sxetiko post sto indymedia, opoios xreiazetai dianyktereusi, exoume ti dynatotita na volepsoume megalo arithmo kosmou.
Apo Londino, apano tous

waro said...

Paidia dystyxws den mporesa na erthw sthn shmerinh poreia dioti exw para polla na diavasw...
H poreia phge kala?
Organwthike kati allo?

Aris said...

H poria pige kala, eixe gyro sta 80 atoma (poly xontrika an kapoios ta metrise as pei). Kataliksame stin Princess opoy mirasame filadia kai diavastike to keimeno (meso hxeioy) ston kosmos poy itan paron.

Ayrio tha mazeytoyme gia na sygkentrosoyme yliko gia tin Kyriakatiki provoli.

Anonymous said...

Why is it you morons start reaching for your bricks and molotovs every time there's some stupid reason for you to riot? It was a dumbass police officer - he's going to trial, evidence will convict him, get over it. Yes, I know part of it is due to economic troubles in Greece.

Anonymous said...

We would all be thinking De Menezes was an evil terrorist if it wasnt for the Brazillian government intervening.

Even the so called inquest was a white wash where it was possible for the jury to say the killing of an innocent man is lawful, but not unlawful.

We dont have an alexis in the UK because the authorities are covering it up as quick as they knock them off, but the generally accepted meaning of "corruption" doesnt even come close to whats going on in this country.

Anonymous said...

mazeytikame sto forest ypoteithetai gia na syzitisoume ws pros to pws tha kinithoume apo dw kai mpros...profanws o kathenas den prepei na exei idiaiteres apaithseis wste na mhn yparxoun diaspastikes taseis....omws....ayto pou proteina htan prin kanwnisoume otidhpote allo, na mazeytoume sto forest h opoudhpote allou se dhmosio xwro ksana, na einai oloi enhmeromenoi...kai na symfonisoume se 5-6 vasika pragmata pou olous mas ekanan na vgoume stous dromous...poly vasika, px.'enantia sthn kratikh via'...oute koma oute manifesto zhthsa...ymarton!!...giati otan xeirokrotisame to prwi, ypirxan skotsezoi pou xeirokrotisan kai o skopos twn drasthriothtvn mas einai, ypothetw, na enhmerwsoume kai na enwsoume....gi' ayto xreiazetai organwsh kai ena mikro keimenaki-apla na leme ti mas peirakse kai ti diekdikoume- tipota parapanw......dysthxws......ayto aithma pou kathe logikos anthropos tha to akouge, den akoustike....allos eipe grapse sto block....allos eipe pame spiti mou....ti einai ayta?? sovarologoume?? an theloume na akoustoume se eyry koino, prepei na organosoume ton tropo mas....kai ayta pou leme pros ta eksw....an theloume na mas paroun sovara...allis na to dialysoume ena mhna prin thn wra tou...kala xristougenna se olous...

abbax said...

Geia xara kai pali. Irtha ki ego simera (14/12) sti sygkentrosi kai sto forest meta. Ola kala kai oraia alla exo na po oti gia kapoion pou frontizei na einai enimeromenos, opos oi perissoteroi mas nomizo, den prosefere kati kainourio. Episis sevasti i apopsi pou ekfrastike oson afora tin prospatheia na asxolithoun ta edo media me afto pou kanoume alla mexri tora arxidia kalypsi exei ginei apo ta media olou tou kosmou. Giati na to kanoume afto ston eafto mas?

antithetos, kai afto einai protasi, tha eprepe na analavoume monoi mas tin enimerosi. Dika mas ta media. To blog einai mia kali arxi alla prepei na synexistei antistoixos. To epomeno vima, to opoio einai kai simantiko oson afora tin enimerosi pistevo, einai i idrysi enos radiofonikou stathmou, to opoio meso internet einai pleon epieikos panefkolo.
Kai gia opoion den peithetai oriste kai mia gnomi pou metraei:

Anonymous said...

A general discussion to be hold at Forest on Wednesday the 17/12 at 7:00pm has been arranged, so we can have another opportunity to meet and discuss issues concerning organisation.

Managing today at forest to create the space for people to get together and discuss is a big big step.As one of the very few that decided and worked in order to help this gathering take place, I need to say that the intention of the today's event was exactly this; to communicate to people that we need to get together if we want to be more active, we need everyone to share ideas and take action,initiative (as well as and responsibilities).

Making our own way to the media and creating our own radio is appealing to me (too bad it was not mentioned when it should, i.e. during the discussion today). But it is mentioned now, and we can indeed explore the possibilities of making it happen.

There has been created a space within this blog and through today's meeting where people can take ideas along and make them into practice.

For example, you now have one more person (me)that can help you build up this radio station......

Anonymous said...

Greek protests move to France!


Anonymous said...


Sarantis said...

some nice photos

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder for our gathering tomorrow Wednesday 17 dec at 7:00pm at forest cafe.

Looking forward to see you again all

abbax said...

Geia xara paidia,
Thelo na po kapoia pragmata kai epeidi den tha ertho simera stin synantisi sto Forest alla thelo na akoustoun esto, sas ta grafo kai an thelete frontizete na syzitithoun kiolas otan mazefteite.

Proto: An thymaste prin kana dyo xronia peripou pou ginontan oi sygkentroseis/poreies/diamartyries ton foititon gia ti metarythmisi, ginontan taktika kathe pempti. Afto eixe san apotelesma, stin kalyteri na theorountai grafikoi (apo ton geniko plythismo panta), sti xeiroteri enoxlitikoi. To enoxlitikoi de mas peirazei kai isos oxi kai to grafikoi. Alla me to na kanonizontai poreies syxna kai taktika, xanetai to xaraktiristiko tous gnorisma. I poreia diamartyrias einai ena ergaleio pou xrisimopoieitai me enan sygkekrimeno stoxo. Na ksevolepsei. Otan omos ginetai dyo kai treis kai tessereis fores ti vdomada xanei tin isxy tis, oi anthropoi pou kanonika tha tous ksevoleve mathainoun na synyparxoun me afti kai na tin apofevgoun. En oligois, afto pou ypotithetai tha tarakounouse tin kathimerinotita tous, tora afomoionetai kai ginetai meros tis. Xoris na polylogo, an kanonizontai ena soro poreies kai sygkentroseis kathe vdomada sto Edimvourgo, xanoume to noima. Oi anthropoi pou tha erxontan se aftes moirazontai anamesa tous, 30 tora, 50 avrio kai alloi 20 se treis meres, anti na mazeftoun 100 kai 200 se mia. Episis, me toso mikrous arithmous den kanoume poreia diamartyrias, kathisyxazoume tis syneidiseis mas. Den einai poreia diamartyrias otan kleinoume to pazodromio kai mia lorida me to zori. Den katigoro tous anthropous pou mazeftikan gia na diamartyrithoun, katigoro aftous pou den mazeftikan alla kai tis taktikes pou tous apotrepoun, kai sygnomi alla to na kanoume 2-3 poreies ti vdomada apotrepei poly kosmo apo to na emfanistei.

Defteron: anevasa kai sto blog ena sxetiko post alla thelo na sxoliaso kiolas. Eipothike tin perasmeni kyriaki stin sygkentrosi stin W.Parliament Square oti katadikazoume ellinika kai diethni media gia tin kalypsi ton gegonoton pou ekanan. Sevasto kai to epikroto. Eipothike omos episis, meta sto Forest, oti I sygkentrosi brosta sti Vouli tha ginotan os mia ystati prospatheia na asxolithoun mazi mas ta media. Oriste? Gi afto ginontai diladi oi poreies diamartyrias? Ektos apo tin profani antifasi stis dyo diloseis, kai me olo to sevasmo stin kopela pou ekane afto to sxoleio meta sto Forest, afti I dilosi einai afelis. Oi poreies diamartyrias ginontai edo gia sybarastasi, an perimenoume kati allo prokeitai peri anantistoixias perivalontos, protheseon kai prospatheion. Kai se periptosi pou den egina katanoitos, na pane na gamithoun ta media! Eidame pos ta ekanan pantou kai den tin theloume tin prosoxi tous. Tin prosoxi tou kosmou nai, ton media oxi. Gi afto kai proteina sto blog kai ksanaproteino kai tora, oxi mono os endeiksi sybarastasis kai allilegyis, alla kai os prospatheia enimerosis ton ksenoglosson anthropon (giati osoi milame ellinika kai endiaferomaste kseroume poly kala ti ginetai, den xreiazomaste alles piges pliroforisis, einai efprosdektes alla den einai aparaitites) tin idrysi ton dikon mas meson pliroforisis:

1.Online Radiofonikos stathmos me ellinika kai agglika mynimata gia na katalavainoun kai oi ksenoi ti ginetai (kai afto einai simantiko, giati tin kyriaki sto Forest kai os apotelesma agnon protheseon sigoura alla en telei astoxa, parakolouthisame xiliopaigmena video sta ellinika, eno oi monoi anthropoi pou eixan na kerdisoun kati apo afto to yliko itan oloi oi mi-ellines gia tous opoious den ypirxan ypotitloi)
2.Kanali eite sto youtube eite me opoiodipote allo tropo pou na provalei ta video pou oloi exoume dei (kai agapisei) apo aftes tis meres, ypotitlismena opou xreiazetai gia na katalavainei kai o ksenos ti ginetai pou mexri tora eixe os mones piges pliroforisis to cnn, to bbc kai to sky news (ftou kaka murdoch)
3.Episis, boroume na vgaloume kai zine pou na moirazetai sto panepistimio mazi me ta fylladia pou kanonika moirazontai stis sygkentroseis (alitheia, kai dilono agnoia tora, moirastikane ta fylladia sto panepistimio I mono sto dromo opou ta perissotera tha petaxtoun, sto panepistimio exoume eks orismou perissotero kosmo pou tha endiaferthei)
En oligois, gamiste ta idi yparxonta media, tha ftiaksoume dika mas. Einai I moni kinisi me noima pou borume na kanoume ypo aftes tis synthikes kai se afti tin apostasi apo ta gegonota.


ps. episynapto sxetikes diefthynseis pou perigrafoun to poso efkolo einai na stithei online radiofonikos stathmos. Ego exo idi stisei enan pou ekpebei ti mousiki pou goustaro. Episis boroume na epikoinonisoume me ta paidia stin ellada kai na mathoume pos stisan aftoi ton diko tous (polytexneio kai asoee)




gebo said...

Daily updates on situation in Greece in Polish on:


Anonymous said...

…only seven people came today at forest café. However, we had an interesting conversation and Margarita suggested that I should write a few paragraphs as a proposal of why we are protesting. I know that a lot of people will disagree, but it is just a proposal and nothing more…

The protests in Greece had an uncommon characteristic with older protests. Among the demonstrators there were more teenagers than other times. ‘Not surprisingly’ one could say; for the victim was one of them. However, the slogans of these teenagers seemed to conclude: ‘do not ruin our dreams’. But how are these dreams like? Do they only imagine a world without violent policemen? Is the violence of the Greek police their only problem?
If yes, did the demonstrators in other countries protest against the violence of the Greek police and only embittered by the murder of one child? Yet, children are abused and murdered in all over the world and frequently in a massive way. If we continue to ask ourselves about the uniqueness of these protests, we will reach to the conclusion that it is not only the murder of one child that made all these people so angry. It is also the social, economic and political problems which world faces this period.
Global order, which has as its main parts the modern conservative states and the corporations, ignores the citizen in every level. It ignores him/her when s/he cannot make ends meet. It ignores him/her while s/he protests together with thousands of others. It ignores him/her when it kills his/her child in the road with no reason. These protests are against a global system which is under the thump of the financial elite, and which ignores and does not hesitate to kill the unprivileged. Police is one among the many institutions of the state which consider the citizen as consumable and submissive. Of course, it is the most violent of these institutions…

Bouzanis Christoforos

p.s. the fact that Alexis was financially privileged does not change anything mentioned above.

Sarantis said...

I think its a very good text well-composed,it presents a mature critique of what's happening. I agree that it s not just the murder of the child that motivated all that people to protest, although we cannot ignore that the fact that being greek,young and handsome as well as the over-emphasized fact that it could be one of your kids played its role for some people. But I guess the spark for extended social upheals always have to offend the sensitivity of the normal/middle class person.

Concerning your last sentence I believe that maybe police is not the most violent of the institutions as such(e.g. an independent institution among others institutions)-but the one that exercises the power that these institutions try to impose.So,maybe the democratizing of police may be a good step, but the problem is more general...

Anyway,I think it's a good text!


Anonymous said...

hey guys! nice blog!! really great! you know you can also visit the greek blog http://www.syntonistikogrigoropoulos.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Τι εγινε βρε παιδια το σαββατο?? Αν δεν ηταν οι πολωνοι θα ημασταν λιγοτεροι απ τους μπατσους...Τι εγινε...τον φυσηξαμε το κουραμπιε??

Το παραπανω μηνυμα απευθυνεται στους ελληνοφωνους του εδιμβουργου ενω το παρακατω ειναι πιο...ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ και πιο ΣΥΜΠΑΝΤΙΚΟ...


Δοξα και τιμη στον χρηστο νατσο

Anonymous said...

ψάχνω παντού για ιστοσελίδες σε άλλες χώρες (π.χ. Γαλλία, Γερμανία..) σχετικές με τη δολοφονία του Αλέξανδρου Γρηγορόπουλου και τις εξελίξεις στην Ελλάδα. Μήπως μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε? Θα ελέγχω τακτικά το blog για να δω το συντομότερο δυνατόν την απάντησή σας..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are there any up and coming plans? I notice 2 people in America have been shot dead in the past week by police. The murder in greece was only the beginning, police around the world wont stop killing.


Anonymous said...

could someone update the blog please?

gebo said...

The gig last night was fucking awesome. Well done guys !!!

Anonymous said...


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viktor said...


Anonymous said...

oxi, den ksexasthke....alla kanenas den endiaferthike na boithisei...opote tha parei xrono. An thes kai psinese, epikoinwnise gia na baleis kana xeraki bohthias ;-)

alliws, ligh upomonh?....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Με μεγαλη μου χαρα να βοηθησω φιλε μου η φιλη μου αλλα δεν βρισκομαι πια στο εδιμβουργο... Οπως θα δεις και στη σελιδα φωναζω απο τις 22 δεκεμβρη μετα ξανα στις 10 φεβρουαριου ξαναμανα στις 17... Ε και στις 16 μαρτιου απηυδησα... Στις 23 μαιου δεκα μερες πριν φυγω εκανα μια τελευταια προσπαθεια αλλα δεν...Αυτα... Ευχομαι η πρωτοβουλια σας να συνεχιστει και να διογκωθει...
